The Sandwich Diaries: S1.E1. "Meet the Meat"
In response to constantly being bombarded with doomsday news of Trump, neo-nazis, impending WWIII and the socio-political fuckastrophany that is Brexit, I have decided to take some time out and meditate in the only way it is acceptable for a man without a hair-bun to meditate: by purchasing a good cut of meat and spending the next ten days preparing with an intention of making the best sandwich to ever be made in North London.
I would also like to capitalise on this being the only acceptable circumstance for a gentleman to be showing off the size of his meat (banana for scale).
If you live/work in London I would be happy to share my creation with you once it is complete and bring you a glorious sandwich for lunch during which we can share a beer. Apologies for being London-centric, I know it is very Labour-like of me.
Love and peace