THE SANDWICH DIARIES: S1.E11. "The Retrospect"

Much like Kafka, I am not very good at finishing my stories. I could go over the motives of this diary and question its purpose: was it there as a form of escapism, was it me trying to make my friends laugh while showing off my cooking skills and parodying the modern blog/food porn culture, or maybe it was just a desperate attempt of a man with too much free time on his hands to try and stay relevant, alternatively perhaps I just wanted to make a great sandwich and that is it. Honestly I don't think there even was a point to this, and you make of it what you will.

I could talk about the sandwich itself, but there is really not much to say: it was good. Not the best sandwich ever made, a little chewy, very flavoursome and quite well balanced, like one of those songs you might turn the volume on up if it came on the radio but would never bother to find out what it's called or who it is by. But I am not disappointed I had a lot of fun making it and in words of F.Sinatra: "for what it's worth, I did it my way", besides it seems to have made a few people around me happy and that is more than what I could have hoped for.

I could reflect on the lessons I've learned on the way but tbh, much like after an LSD trip or after completing an MSc in advanced neuroimaging: I am sure I've learned something just not quite sure what it is.

Maybe the epilogue should be about experience and I'd say the best experience I had with this came yesterday. Not only was there the satisfaction and a sense of completion from finally constructing the sandwich, but also a much greater joy in distracting my friends from their offices/bar jobs and sharing my creation with them, while getting paid back in smiles, some particularly great news, and delicious cheese that was cheesier than today's diary.

But at the end of the day, I don't really need to worry about how to finish this thing, at least not for now. After all this is a retrospect, not an epilogue. Like GoT, The Sandwich Diaries will return for future seasons: BiGGER, better, with more meat, plot twists and possibly dragons! Thank you for sticking around you beautiful people, you are the best, love you all.



There already some pretty great ideas for the future of this platform, but any input/requests and even collaboration offers are very welcome.

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