The Sandwich Diaries: S1.E8. "The Emergence"

Just like all Trump's dirty little secrets the sandwich ingredients emerge from the fridge. The meat slab surfaces from the dark, cold, salty waters of the marinade hardened by time and infused with the powerful aromas of the spice mix. As tyrants fall and systems crumble, our heroic meat-slab rises!

But there is no time for it to rest, as soon as it completes its trial by ice it will be thrown straight into the fire to be boiled and smoked. What is this meat-slab trying to achieve? why does it endure the harsh cooking procedures? Does it really believe it can save us all from the chaos of this world?... Probably not, but it will try it's god-dam best to help create what will hopefully be a great sandwich just to make people around it a little bit happier.

I am not saying we should all be like meat-slab, but if you can work on your self to make the days of people around you at least a little bit better, you might as well try. You are all meat-slabs of my heart.

Love and Peace


Can you hear it? The electricity crackling before the storm, the silent tension in the air? All the preparation are nearly ready for the climax of our journey, we are entering Act 3 people! Just bread left to make and meat left to smoke. The next couple of days will be fun.

Artem Bunchuk2 Comments